We are pleased to announce the launch of the FISICA 2014 publishing process. The conference proceedings including the contributions submitted and presented at the meeting will be provides by the IST-Press publishers (ISBN provided later).
The deadline for article submission is April 19, 2015.
Articles must be submitted using the FISICA 2014 webpage, HERE, ("abstract submission" => "add abstract", submit here the ZIP file) using your participant access credentials. Each author may submit only one article (multiple articles are accepted but need to be submitted by a co-author using his access credentials.
Each article should be submitted using the word template | TEX template and by uploading a folder identified as ' name_1st_author.ZIP ' in which shall be included:
1- a MS Word file of the article (name_1st_author.doc or name_1st_author.docx)
** the MS Word template is to be used as a model, a particular attention must be taken in the references section that will have to follow the format provided in the template; articles submitted with a different format will not be approved for publication and is up to the authors to ensure this compliance;
** the invited contributions will have a maximum of four (4) pages , and two (2) pages for all other contributions (oral or poster). This number of pages includes all the paper figures;
2- a PDF (or TEX ) version of the paper (name_1st_author.pdf or name_1st_author.tex)
3- Each figure in a .JPG or .PDF format (name.1st_author_fig1, name_1st_author_fig2, etc) with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the images provided obey the requested resolution; otherwise the article may not be published.
4- a 'Declaration of consent for publication', completed and signed.