The Workshop “IAEA supported national TPS audit” is going to take place at the Portuguese Oncology Institute in Coimbra, on September 24, organized by the Medical Physics Division of the Portuguese Physics Society (DFM_SPF), the National Coordination of Oncology Diseases (CNDO), the Nuclear and Technological Institute (ITN) and the Portuguese Institute of Oncology in Coimbra (IPOCFG, E.P.E.), in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This is an event that will mark the starting point in Portugal of a national project for dosimetry auditing of Treatment Planning Systems in Radiotherapy, in cooperation with the IAEA.
Quality Assurance in the radiation therapy treatment planning process is essential to ensure accurate dose delivery to the patient. According to international data treatment planning and beam calibration are the main sources of errors in external beam radiotherapy.
The IAEA has a long history of providing assistance for dosimetry audits in radiotherapy to its Member States. Together with the World Health Organization (WHO), it has operated postal audit programs using thermoluminescence dosimeters to verify the calibration of radiotherapy beams since 1969.
The objective of this IAEA supported national dosimetric audit is to ensure the optimal usage of radiotherapy Treatment Planning Systems and safe radiotherapy.
In this context and because quality and safety in radiation therapy is one of the main concerns of DFM_SPF we could not miss the opportunity to collaborate with IAEA in bringing to Portugal this dosimetric audit.
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